Sample Barcoding

From Powers Wiki

Guide To Make Data Entries In Freezerworks Base 2018 Program For Sample Barcoding And Management 1. Open Freezerworks 2018 program from Desktop 2. Enter username and password at the login screen a. Username: admin b. Password: admin 3. Successful login will show the below screen All entries and searches are done using this window. Each step is outlined below

Section 1: To enter new data into the database

1. Enter the details in the CSV excel file labeled as “Freezerworks Data Import” on the Desktop

2. Enter the values correctly under each column (Case and Spelling sensitive) a. Freezerworks ID: Enter the number succeeding to the previous entry. All Freezerworks ID should be numbered as 1000XX, where XX is the previous entry number b. Principal Investigator: Enter the name of the PI. Currently all PI names are listed in the database (See Appendix). To add a new name to the list please refer Section 2 c. Sample Type: Enter the type of sample received. Currently few sample types are listed in the database (See Appendix). To add a new type to the list please refer Section 2 d. LastName: Enter the name of the person who received the sample and is making the entry in the database. The name can be First name or Last name or Name initials. But be consistent in the entry as it is a field that can be used to search. i. For example: For one project the name is entered as “Amith Maroli” and for a second project, the name is entered as ASM. When a search is conducted to see all the samples received by Amith, if I search using the Received by fieldname Amith, No results will be returned. e. Project Name: Name of the project the samples belong to. f. Dropped by: Name of the person who drops the samples or is the contact person in the collaborator PI lab g. Receive Date: Dates the samples are received h. Comments: Any comments that needs to be noted for the samples i. Sample Name: Samples names that needs to be reflected in the database j. Initial Amount: Volume of sample received k. Current Amount: Volume of sample left after analysis l. VolumeUnits: Units (mg, g, mL, uL, L etc.) 3. Save the CSV file. 4. In the FreezerWorks program  Import  CSV Import  Import Settings 5. In the import setting, one can add “New Project and Samples” (Add radio button) or add new samples to existing projects (Add Aliquots to Samples radio button) 6. Click Import (lower left corner) and select the CSV file. 7. Successful import would show a dialog box with the number of records imported or a failed import will show an Error dialog box. Click on “View Error Report” to see what the errors are Section 2: To enter new information in the fieldnames/enter new entry labels 1. Close all open sub-windows in the FreezerWorks program to get a blank space

2. Click on “Configuration” in the Menu Bar

3. Select “Data Entry and Display” sub-menu

4. To add new fieldnames, select “Fields” 5. List of currently entered fieldnames are displayed

6. To add new field, Click Add new and create the appropriate fieldname either under “Sample” or “Aliquot”. “Sample correspond to the Main projects and Aliqouts corrspond to the samples under the project.

7. To edit an existing field,double click the corresponding fieldname and make the changes. a. For example: To add a new name to the PI list, double-click the field name “Principal Investigator” and enter the name of the PI on the right side column

8. Similar approach can be done to edit other fields (e.g. Sample Type)

Section 2: To print barcode labels

1. From the main window, select the entry to print the labels

2. Select “BB33_Custom” as the Label Format Name and “Microsoft XPS Writer” as the Printer. Select “Include Aliquots with no assigned Position” and select print to save the .xps file.

3. From the saved location, open the file and select print and then select i3300 printer and adjust the print preferences.

4. In the Preferences menuAdvancedPaper size PropertiesB33-155. Selcet OK for all and then change the Number of copies to 1. Click Print to print the labels


A. List of Principle Investigators in Selection List • Alex Vecchio • Armen Petryosan • Carol Casey • Catherine Eichorn • Charles Wood • Devine Rose • Limei Zhang • Mark Wilson • NuTek Salt • Raul Barletta • Rebecca Wachs • Robert Powers • Roberto Deegan • Srivatsan Kidambi