Creating Stock Cultures of Bacteria

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Creating Stock Cultures of Bacteria

  1. Heat an appropriate media (usually complex like LB, 100 mL) up to 37°C in an incubator.
  2. Inoculate the media with bacteria. This is usually done from a colony on a plate or from a stock culture.
  3. Start shaking the media in the incubator after inoculation.
  4. Allow the culture to grow to a visibly high density (4-8 hours).
  5. Grab a bunch of 1-2mL microcentrifuge tubes and glycerol.
  6. Pipet 0.5 mL of the dense culture into each microcentrifuge tube.
  7. Add glycerol to each tube (30-50%) and vortex until thoroughly mixed.
  8. Place all tubes into the -80°C freezer for long term storage.