Processing CEST Data
From Powers Wiki
Processing CEST Data
- Have X11, nmrPipe, Python >=2.7, and ChemEx (from the Kay lab) installed
- Open a c-shell with “csh” and navigate to the directory with your ser file
- Open X11
- In the terminal type “bruker”
- Click “read parameters”
- Switch the F1 and F2 axes
- y should be real with N total and valid points
- z should be the 15N dimension
- zMODE Echo-Antiecho
- yMODE Real
- aq2D States
- Save the script. It should look like the script that follows this protocol.
- Add these lines:
- xyz2pipe –in fid/test%03d.fid –z –ri2c
- | pipe2xyz –out fids/UBQ%03d.fid –y –ov
- /bin/rm –fr data/
- Run the script you just saved.
- Input file names and phase values into (follows this protocol) and run
- Open test spectrum in nmrDraw
- Pick peaks and save the peak list
- Rename the peaks to their corresponding amino acid and residue #. Alternatively, create a peakList.txt with their IDs and run
- Run autoFit.tcl in the c-shell.
- autoFit.tcl –specName fts/UBQ%03d.ft2 –inTab –series
- Run (follows)
- ./ –tbl –par fq3list –out fit/
- Make sure the .out files are named like “A#N-HN.out”
- Then run ChemEx, check their tutorial