Women in Science: Checklist

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Revision as of 18:01, 3 April 2024 by Mjeppesen (talk | contribs)
Example setup of chemistry display table

Two tables

(provided by hotel)

  1. demonstration table
  2. recruiting material table

Recruiting material

  1. give away items
  2. candy
  3. fish bowls to hold candy (x2)
  4. poster display
  5. chemistry banner
  6. chemistry tablecloths
  7. powerpoint slide/video
  8. extension cords
  9. power strip
  10. projector


(request material from undergrad stock room two weeks before event)

  1. Oscillating clock
  2. Stop light reaction (can put more NaOH in)
  3. Orange Juice Clock
  4. Liquid Nitrogen Gummy Bear
  5. Lava lamps

Miscellaneous Items

  1. A big empty used chemical container with cap
  2. A big beaker (1L)
  3. Nitrile gloves