PCA Classify Example Script

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PCA Classify Function

Project new samples into PCA model using appropriate scaling.

  Xtest = test/second dataset;clsRtest = test/second class.
  result = PCA model (MVApack)  
  mn = result.mean.X;sd = result.scale.X;
  X_g1a = Xtest;%X_g2a = Xtrain;
  X_g2new = (X_g1a-(repmat(mn,[size(X_g1a,1),1])))./(repmat(sd,[size(X_g1a,1),1]));%size(X_g2new)
  T_g2new = X_g2new*result.P;
  scores = T_g2new;
  S = boxplot(X_g2new');